
Create a Publish theme in it's own Swift Package

As promised John Sundell released the last tool for his Swift based Static Site Generator, just before we said goodbye to 2019 👋

6 days later Publish have been well received by the community. With more than 1200 stars on GitHub and we already got a new release (0.2.0) with some great improvements made by the community. Since Publish is new, there is still a lot of questions on how to use this new cool tool.
With this post I will show, how you can make your own theme for your new website.

Let's fire up Xcode and start by creating a new Swift Package: File > New > Swift Package...
If you are making an open source theme, I will suggest using PublishTheme in the name of your package.
Just so other people can see this is a theme for Publish.
In this post I will make BrianPublishTheme and define it as brian.

First step is to add Publish as a dependency. Open Package.swift and add Publish to dependencies:

// swift-tools-version:5.1
// The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package.

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "BrianPublishTheme",
    products: [
            name: "BrianPublishTheme",
            targets: ["BrianPublishTheme"]),
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "", from: "0.2.0")
    targets: [
            name: "BrianPublishTheme",
            dependencies: ["Publish"]),

Remember also to add Publish as dependencies in the target.

To store your resources like images, css or what else you will need, we create a Resources folder. And to keep the same structure as Publish, we create a folder named BrianTheme and copys the styles.css file from Publish into it. Now we have a starting point if you not already have your own .css file.

In Sources/BrianPublishTheme there is a swift file that was made when we created the package. Renamed it to Theme+Brian.swift, again to keep the same structure/naming as in Publish. To get started quickly and to have something to play with, you can copy the code from Sources/Publish/API/Theme+Foundation.swift and modified it for your needs. Remember to change the name of the variable and the HTMLFactory struct.

public extension Theme {
    static var brian: Self {
            htmlFactory: BrianHTMLFactory(),
            resourcePaths: ["Resources/BrianTheme/styles.css"]

private struct BrianHTMLFactory<Site: Website>: HTMLFactory {

Now let's implement this new theme package to our website. Open your project or create a new project by following the Quick start guide. In Package.swift we will add the new theme package as a local dependency, so it's easy to make changes to the theme without having to make a release every time you adjust a font size or a text color:

let package = Package(
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "", from: "0.2.0"),
        .package(path: "../BrianPublishTheme")
    targets: [
            name: "Brian",
            dependencies: ["Publish",

Last step is to start using the new theme. In the main.swift file we need to import the theme package:

import BrianPublishTheme

And now we can use it by defining it like:

try Brian().publish(withTheme: .brian)

You can find both the BrianPublishTheme and the Brian Publish project on GitHub.

Okay, so this was my debut as a writer and I hope you could use this post. If you have any feedback on how I can improve writing, then please let me know. You can find me on Twitter

Thanks for reading 🙏

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